Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

It's Turkey Day! Josie & I got up and done some cleaning around the house, watched the parade, and then went to Aunt Sandy's for thanksgiving with the Jones'. I forgot to take my camera in, so Sandy if you are reading this, I need some photos!
As we were leaving Sandy & Bobbie's, I turned around in a driveway across the street. Josie informed me that I can't do that. I asked her why, and she told me I was gonna get shot! I laughed and asked her who she heard that from and she said Uncle Nathan! She's been listening to her Daddy is what it is!!!
We then went to Mom's for Thanksgiving. The kids had a really good time. It was great to see Cameron, it had been a few years since we had gotten to see him and he has grown up so much.



When we got ready to leave Cameron let Josie give him a hug. So I told him to let her kiss him cause we had photos of Steven and I kissing when we were little. He grabbed ahold of her and started smooshing away and in the wall they went!



Straight Lines & Oh No's

I took this photo cause Josie is going through the "straight line" phase. Everything she gets out at some point or the other is put into a straight line.
This was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I had planned on taking off around noon anyway and it was a good thing I did. We locked up everything at the office, I got Josie put in her car seat and walked around got in my side, buckled in, turned on the car, put it in reverse and then I hear her upchuck in the back seat! LOVELY!!! When I got her home, I took her temperature and sure enough she was running one. So I gave her some Tylenol and had her take a nap. Her temperature went away so we went on down to Granny's for Thanksgiving. She was fine all night long. We got home and she was running another one. So I gave her more Tylenol. Mike woke me up at 3:00 AM and asked why the family room light was on. I didn't know, so I got up and walked into her room, she wasn't in there. I started walking back out into the family room to find her and she was sitting on her little couch, in a completely different outfit. I asked her why she had changed and she told me she didn't want to wear her jammies. I made her go back to bed and when we all woke at 8:00 am, she got up, went in her room, and changed again! I went in there to find out what she was doing and she was in the midst of putting different pants on, shirt was already changed. I look on her bed and she had two babies out and their outfits were changed as well. She didn't have enough time to have done this at 8:00 in the morning, so I'm assuming when she changed her clothes at 3:00 AM she also changed both of the babies clothes! It was too funny!!!!

Oh Christmas Tree

Every year for quite a while, we go to Granny's on Thanksgiving Eve and after dinner we put up her tree. This year all 3 greatgrandkids got to decorate it for her.



Toe Painting

Josie insisted she needed her toenails repainted and that she was going to paint my toes as well. We did hers first of course. And she informed me we had to have the blowdryer so we could dry them.
After I did hers, she painted mine. She actually did a pretty good job for a 3 year old. I didn't have too awfully much on my skin! :-)



Railroad Tressel & Texture


Friday, November 18, 2011

This blog is under construction, please come back soon!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Talk to the Hand ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Well, now you are officially caught up!
Remember the other post where I said Josie was starting to hide from the camera. Well here ya go!
She spent the day with me at work and I wanted to take some photos. After this little stunt I had to start taking photos of her babies instead. And she was alright with that!
"Shawna & Poopa"
Then she finally decided she would pose for me, and she even put on the hat I absolutely think is completely and utterly adorable!

Birthday ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

On Sunday, we celebrated Rick & Mom's birthday. Got Mother Bear's pizza, I made a carrot cake and a funfetti cake. Pigged out and had fun!


A near collision



The girls are playing beauty shop with Papa

BUGS Gymnastics ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Here's some more photos from gymnastics. The girls are steal really enjoying it. Josie is learning alot. This week the teacher started working with them on backrolls, flips on the horizontal bar and cartwheels. It was quite fun watching them gain confidence in their own abilities.
Josie & a backflip

starting to learn cartwheels

Has no problem going forward and loves the "ta-da" part after.

Kayla and backflips

Going over on the horizontal bar

Kayla's Big 5 ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Michelle decided to have Kayla's birthday party down at church in the new building. You never know what the weather is going to be around Kayla's birthday, so she was playing it safe. It actually turned out to be a really nice day out and all the girls got to use the playground.
I don't exactly know how many girls there were at this party, but there was alot! And you know what happens with girls together. Lot's of squealing!!! But they had fun.
Kayla decided she wanted this year to be a princess theme. So Michelle made her a cake and some homemade chocolate suckers, which I'm guessing were pretty good, cause Josie ate every single one she took. Including the one she took that was suppose to have been Mommy's.
The opening of presents was hilarious! All the girls bombarded Kayla. You couldn't see the poor child they were all so close to her as she was opening presents. I had to stand on a chair and hold my camera in the air to try and get photos of them.
Here's some photos, enjoy!




Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Silly Girl ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Josie is starting to part of the time not want me to take photos of her. Luckily it is few and far between, but this was one such night, she didn't want Mommy to play with her camera.
Hiding behind the hand, works!

Hiding behind the washcloth works!

Until you take them both away, and then you get a great big belly laugh!

Halloween Decorations~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Decided I better take some photos of our Halloween decorations before I take them down.

A wreath I made.


All of these Josie has colored in the last few years.