Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Questionaire from my new class

Today, I started a new online class about "Finding The Joy". Capturing childhood.
My first lesson had this questionaire so I thought I would share and document for myself my responses. I hope to come back to this in a year and answer these again. Just to see if the answers will be any different.

1. What is it that brought you here? What do you wish to gain from this six week e-journey? Is it better photos of your children/grandchildren/pets? Is it to force yourself to actually photograph your own children? Is it to document your child’s life? WHY are you here?

I am here because- I have finally got my groove back after battling PPD, I have started shooting other families as well as my own DD. My goal and dream in life is to provide for my family with my art of photography! I want to better myself anyway I can and children are going to be my biggest subject! As well as the relationships that unfold with it.

2. Think about your own childhood and life. What do you wish you had photos of from your past? Maybe you forgot your camera at a big event, or maybe your parents just didn’t document your life as you wish they had. Think of some specific events/people/things from your past and childhood of which you really wish you had a photo.

My mom & dad did pretty good with documenting our childhood. I wish there would have been more photos involving them with us kids. Don't get me wrong, I love having photos with my grandparents and my great-grandparents and all my relatives but there are very few of my parents in the photos with us. I plan on changing that in our daughter's life. I have been using the self-timer quite a bit lately to get Mommy in the photo.

3. Pretend aliens steal your memory, what do you want your family’s future generations to know about you and your life? About your children’s lives? What do you want your children to remember about their childhood?

I want the future generations to know of my passion for my family and it's history. I want them to know that my DD was the best thing that ever happened in our life. I want her to remember the love her parents have for her and the fun times we had.

4. I am a good parent/grandparent/fur baby parent because…..

I give my daughter the one and only thing she needs to survive life, LOVE!!! I know at times my patience is short but in the end I love her more than anything in the world.

5. I can SHOW my skills from above by capturing photos of……

She & I and all the fun times we have. Playing in the water, running around the house, tickling, snuggling, swinging and even watching ELMO!

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