Friday, August 26, 2011

Riley's Baseball Birthday Party ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

He was laughing at Griffin, "screaming" Happy Birthday!

Oh What is It?!

It would be his IPod he has wanted for over a year now. Rick, Michelle, Papa Doug and Mama Carole bought it  for him.

She was mad, cause I wouldn't let her in the swimming pool with all the kids. Only because there were probably around 20 or more and they were mostly all boys, in a little pool.

Happy 8th Birthday Riley! We love you!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

3 Yr Stats ~ Bloomington, Indiana ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography

Josie went to the Dr on August 8th. Her stats were:
  • 41.5 in tall (off the percentage chart)

  • 39.15 weight (97%)

  • 4 yrs and 2 weeks development

  • She loves animals. (I feel sorry for the kitties but they don't seem to mind)

  • Her worst habit, is her fingers are in her mouth constantly and she is chewing on her nails.

  • She will still eat about anything. Her favorite being tacos, meat of any kind and pizza.

  • She likes her Sprite, which Mommy doesn't let her have often but when she gets to have it, it sures makes her happy.

  • She loves creating - painting, coloring, cutting and gluing.

  • She now has an obsession with fishing worms. When she walks into the aisle of worms, she is grabbing every bag she can get in her hands. Daddy already needs to get her a new tackle box cause she is out of room.

  • She still loves to be outside.

  • If Mommy is around, I must be right by her side, if not carrying her. (I try to remind myself it won't be long and she won't want Mommy around anymore and to enjoy it)

  • She is still attached to her blanket and it has to go everywhere with us. Although we don't let her actually take it in anywhere unless it's someones home.

  • Her imagination with music and pretend is getting stronger. She still has her pretend friend "Shawna". And now "Shawna" is getting in some trouble. When she does something she blames it on someone else first and then if that doesn't work, it's "Shawna's" fault.

  • She still gets in bed with us between 1:00 AM and 4:30 AM, 99% of the time.

  • She is the best thing that has ever happened in her Daddy and Mommy's lives and we love her more than she will ever know!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

At least if it's raining out the Barbie's can swim!

We took Josie to the zoo again for her birthday. It was extremely hot out but she still enjoyed it.
The penguins must have left an impression on her cause that is what she chose to take home with her. I tried my best to get her away from the stuffed animals but to no avail. So now she has "Pengo" the penguin.

We had to take a break and cool off with a pospicle.

She wanted to ride the train, so we took it.

Notice Josie's reflection in Mike's glasses. COOL!

This was one ticked off bear. The people in front of us walked up to the exhibit and the bear came running! Thank God for the big ditch, otherwise I think it would have attacked.

She insisted upon me getting wet this year and actually it felt pretty good!

We made Daddy get in it with her.

Mike and Josie got their caricature drawing done catching a bass.

Josie chose a dolphin face painting.

She actually got into the carousel this year. She didn't want to ride one going up and down though and Mommy had to sit with her. But then she had Daddy get on and went on one that moved and Daddy got to stand next to her.

When we got home, we gave her our presents that we got her for her birthday.

She loves jewelry!

And Crocs!

We had her open up her helmet outside the garage so that she kind of had a hint of what was coming next.

She also loves fishing worms so Daddy got her some and put in her bag on the bike.

We had to call Papa Doug and Mama Carole so she could tell her all about her day. But she wouldn't stop riding long enough to talk, so Mommy had to stear her bike for her.

The week of August 8th we started swimming lessons at IU. She did really good this night and had a good time.

She's in a class of all boys. And her teacher's name is Celena.

Yeah got caught up some more!

Friday, August 19, 2011

No Excuse, Just didn't feel like it! ~ Dreams Do Come True Photography ~ Bloomington, Indiana

Absolutely no excuse, just haven't felt like working on photos and posting. Instead I've been doing a lot of dreaming and reading. Been researching some other crafts to start doing, like I need more. But I really need my creative time back!!!
Thinking about taking one of three: guitar lessons, quilting lessons or crocheting/knitting classes.
  • I've always wanted to learn to play the guitar.

  • Grandma Emma tried to teach me crocheting but it never stuck. Love some of the crocheting/knitting stuff that is popular right now.

  • Love quilts! Think this talent would come in handy. I mean seriously who couldn't use a quilt.

Anyway, on to whatever pictures I feel like editing today!

Made a practice cake for Josie's "My Little Pony" party.

Josie thought we were getting ready for her party. While I was decorating the practice cake, she was getting out all of her stuff and "decorating" for her birthday. While singing Happy Birthday to herself.

These photos were taken during VBS at our church. Michelle & I were in charge of games. Josie wanted Abbie to go with us, so she ended up going with us the whole week. As well as Maddie. Maddie had a 4-H project in photography so I handed the camera over to her for her to play. So she is responsible for these photos.

Papa & Mama Mike came to stay with Josie one Saturday while Daddy & I went to get Josie's birthday presents. We went to Hobby Lobby and Daddy found this rain gauge kit for him an Josie to put together. She absolutely loved it!

Her new trampoline!

Taco's for supper, one of Josie's favorites. Right up there with her Granny.

Who's having more fun here?

Even with the heat, Josie's party turned out to be a great time. She had a lot of friends and family come to share her special day with her, and for that I want to thank everyone!
Josie stayed the night with Papa Doug and Mama Carole the night before her party. This was the first time ever of her not being at home for bed. If I hadn't been so busy preparing for the party, I don't know that I would have liked it very much. But I kept busy with decorating the cake and cleaning the house. Daddy stayed busy putting her trampoline together that Papa Doug & Mama Carole got her.
When she came home Sunday and we walked her to the side deck, she stopped in her tracks when she saw it. Her mouth dropped open and it took a minute before any noise came out and then after that, it was all she wrote. All 3 kids jumped right in it. Josie couldn't believe it was all hers. Now I have to practice taking photos in the trampoline so that I can get some good ones.
She got alot of presents and things that she wanted. She has been telling us for some time that she wanted a guitar, like Bobbie's. So when we saw some at Toys R Us I told Sandy and Little Bobbie and Uncle Rachel got it for her. If I can ever figure out how to upload videos to this thing I have her singing with her guitar and her new radio. Really getting into it!
She got a really cool M&M container from Vegas which Uncle Nathan & Aunt Emily got her, along with a robe that has came in quite handy with swimming.
Aunt 'Chelle and the rest of that bunch got her a singing Smurf from Build A Bear. That is one stuffed animal that Gertie has not bothered.

Well that's it for now. No where caught up but I've spent most of the day now doing this and I'm ready to move on! Hopefully will be back next week to get the rest caught up.