Tuesday, August 23, 2011

At least if it's raining out the Barbie's can swim!

We took Josie to the zoo again for her birthday. It was extremely hot out but she still enjoyed it.
The penguins must have left an impression on her cause that is what she chose to take home with her. I tried my best to get her away from the stuffed animals but to no avail. So now she has "Pengo" the penguin.

We had to take a break and cool off with a pospicle.

She wanted to ride the train, so we took it.

Notice Josie's reflection in Mike's glasses. COOL!

This was one ticked off bear. The people in front of us walked up to the exhibit and the bear came running! Thank God for the big ditch, otherwise I think it would have attacked.

She insisted upon me getting wet this year and actually it felt pretty good!

We made Daddy get in it with her.

Mike and Josie got their caricature drawing done catching a bass.

Josie chose a dolphin face painting.

She actually got into the carousel this year. She didn't want to ride one going up and down though and Mommy had to sit with her. But then she had Daddy get on and went on one that moved and Daddy got to stand next to her.

When we got home, we gave her our presents that we got her for her birthday.

She loves jewelry!

And Crocs!

We had her open up her helmet outside the garage so that she kind of had a hint of what was coming next.

She also loves fishing worms so Daddy got her some and put in her bag on the bike.

We had to call Papa Doug and Mama Carole so she could tell her all about her day. But she wouldn't stop riding long enough to talk, so Mommy had to stear her bike for her.

The week of August 8th we started swimming lessons at IU. She did really good this night and had a good time.

She's in a class of all boys. And her teacher's name is Celena.

Yeah got caught up some more!

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