Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let's Play Daddy

Mikey took Josie to play in the snow finally. He'd been busy dealing with pushing the snow and taking care of sidewalks, he hadn't had time yet. I of course can't go out and play cause of my surgery, but I did sneak out to take some photos. Walking carefully of course so I wouldn't fall.
She could barely walk in the snow, it was so deep.

She then decided it was a good thing to throw the snow in the air. It didn't pack into snowballs though, so we weren't really in any danger from her hitting us.


Then she finally stood still so I could get some pics of her.

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They then tried to build a snowman. They ended up with one with a very tiny head!

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They even got out the shovel and the bucket she uses in the sandbox and made a castle. It didn't last very long cause as soon as Gertie went outside and Zoro came over to play, the castle was knocked down.


After digging and building, she decided to do the snow angel thing, and Daddy got the bright idea to bury her in the snow from the waist down. She thought it was hilarious.


We then moved onto playing on the swingset. We finally talked her into trying to go down the slide. She tried at first with all the snow on the slide and that didn't work so well for her, so she got her shovel and scraped all the snow off. Watching her hit the bottom after that was quite the show. Everytime she would go down it, she would slide that much further on the ground. She had a pretty good trail made by the time she was done.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Snow, Snow and more Snow

Well at least it waited until the day after Christmas to snow, but WOW did we ever get it!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, we had to wake Josie up so that she could open the presents that Santa brought her. She was still sleeping but we had to get ready in time to make it Papa Doug & Mama Carole's.

Santa did pretty good. Josie received a pink BB gun, a pink balance beam, a Belle doll (her favorite princess), the horse she was wanting and several other things.


And Daddy received an IU shirt that Josie picked out and a Hot Dog Steamer for his Thursday night hot dog nights.


We then headed to Papa & Mama's for breakfast and presents. The girls got a new American Girl, Kit. All three of the kids got a Kindle Fire. Josie got a Minnie Mouse outfit for her American Girl dolls from Uncle Nathan and Aunt Emily. She got a swimming Baby Alive from the Moore's. Papa and Mama got them all their annual Hallmark book for Christmas. Josie loves those things! And a whole bunch of other stuff.

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After hanging out with Papa & Mama, and then going home an unloading, we headed to Aunt Sandy's for christmas with the Jones'. Josie had fun playing with Sophia, she was so excited to be able to see her again. And everyone was there.

Here's a pick of Louise and two of her great- grandkids.


Louise & just Josie


And Josie and two of her favorite people from the Jones family. Uncle Bobbie & Sophia!


Now off to go home and go to bed! Wow, the holidays, sure do wear you out!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we started out by finding Sprite in the kitchen with the reindeer food. Josie had made some at preschool, and Sprite got it out of her bag, added the magic to it, and stirred it up for her.
Daddy had to work in the morning, but once we got home, we gave Josie her annual Christmas jammies from us.
We then headed to Papa & Mama Mike's. Josie had fun chasing the cat around while waiting to be able to open her presents. She received a tumble mat, a book swing, books, movies, clothes, etc. etc.
I let Josie pick out everyone's Christmas presents this year. All the men got IU shirts and all the girls got long sleeve tshirts. Basically all of them were pink of course!



After going home and unloading from the first round, we head to Granny's. Where Santa Clause always comes and visits. Josie was scared of him again this year. Didn't make sense to me, completely comfortable with the ones at the malls, but not at her Granny's.



Granny is an elf for Santa Clause ya know, so she made a monkey pillow for the car and painted a tea set for the girls too. She then gave them to the Elves to take back to Santa.
Thinking that was it for the night, we head home to get Josie in bed so Santa can come. But instead she has another visitor bringing her a Christmas present. So while she waits on him, she gets Santa's cookies ready. This year she gave him Sprite and Oreo's.
Her visitor was Troy, he brought presents from him and Alyssa. They got her a frog towel for the bath and a Belle figuring for her room. She loved both!
Once we were all asleep, Santa came and brought us a pretty good pile!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

What in the world is Sprite thinking?! She's going fishing in Josie's fish tank.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Snowing

We had our first snow on December 21st. I wanted Josie to go out and play, cause you never know when you are going to get more. (Little did I know at the time, we had 12" coming our way)
Anyway, I had bought Josie a snowsuit last year, didn't even think about trying it on her to see if it would fit this year. It was hilarious when we went to put it on her. The poor thing was way too short and small. We struggled but got her in it so she could go out. They barely even covered the top of her boots.




Elf on the Shelf

Sprite did it again. Mama Mike was even at the house today and couldn't find her either. She was at the foot of Josie's bed hiding in her animals.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

This Cute Adorable Kid of Mine

Josie has gotten in an awesome habit for this photographer loving Momma. She loves to pose for me anytime the camera is out. On this particular night, November 6th, she decided she needed to pose with her new Build A Bear, Peppermint Puppy and a tube of chapstick.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Sprite thought it was so funny when Josie couldn't find her on the chandelier that she decided to hide in the top of the tree. It took Mommy having to help Josie to find her. She was looking all over the house trying to locate her.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Sprite made a naught & nice list. Josie thought it was hilarious that Daddy & Uncle Nathan were on the naught list. She had to call Uncle and tell him that he had better straighten up or he wasn't going to get any presents.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Halloween Party at Sherwood Oaks Preschool

Josie had her first halloween party. Mommy went to help, I took photos of each kid in their costume.
The day started out in their classroom doing projects. Then they had a parade around the building, coming into the gym to show off their outfits for the parents.
They then went back to have class for about an hour and then it was party time. They had different booths set up and Mom's at each table to help the kids. It was a good time.






Miss Jane, one of the class helpers has quit due to personal reasons, but she came in to see the kids one last time. All the girls took turns hugging Miss Jane and then each other. It was so sweet!